Manufacturer & Dealer of Electrical & Electronics Equipment. Contact : +91 96772 52848

Polytechnic College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – EEE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electrical Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electronics Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Software Defined Radio Transmitter Receiver Trainer Manufacturers – Suppliers – Contact Number 9444001354 - 9677252848

Software Defined Radio Transmitter Receiver Trainer



Power DC Input: 6V

Conversion Performance and Clocks

ADC Sample Rate (max) : 61.44MS/s

ADC Resolution : 12bits

ADC Wideband SFDR : 78dBc

DAC Sample Rate (max) : 61.44MS/s

 DAC Resolution : 12bits

Host Sample Rate (16b) : 61.44MS/s

W/ GPSDO Reference : 0.01ppb

RF Performance(single channel)

SSB/LO Suppression : -35/50dBc

3.5 GHz : 1.0deg RMS

6 GHz : 1.5deg RMS

Power Output : >10dBm

IIP3 (@ typ NF) : -20dBm

Receive Noise Figure : <8dB>

RF Coverage from 70 MHz – 6 GHz RF

GNU Radio and open BTS support through the opensource USRP Hardware Driver

USB 3.0 High speed interface (Compatible with USB 2.0)

Flexible rate 12 bit ADC/DAC

1TX, 1 RX, Half or Full Duplex

Xilinx Spartan 6 XC6SLX75 FPGA

Up to 56 MHz of real-time bandwidth

        Audio Applications

Generation of dial tone

 Generating the audio and storing in a file

 Generation of mono tone

Spectrum inversion

Testing of re sampling process

Viewing the audio in frequency domain by using FFT

Generation multi tone

 Adding different type of noise to the tone,

Alaw and uLaw encoder applications

Codec 2 audio loopback

CVSD audio loopback

GSM audio loopback

FM receiver and transmitter

Communication applications

Channel tone response

GMSK modulation

OFDM • QAM modulation


Ber simulation

Digital frequency lock

DPSK loop-back

GPSK loop-back

MPSK demodulation

PAM synchronization example

PAM timing example

Interference cancellation

Test Viterbi equalization

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